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AIMS receives gifts in a number of ways and AIMS’ advisors assist you or your investment counselor in making these transactions. All inquiries are held in confidence.

Planned Giving

The AIMS Endowment Fund receives contributions from individuals and families who want to support the development of young musicians in perpetuity. Planned giving can strengthen the long-range plans for yourself and your family in ways you may not have realized were possible at costs that can be tax-beneficial. Your discussions with our expert advisors can be extremely helpful.


As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, your cash gift to AIMS is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Depending on your tax bracket, for example, a cash gift of $1000 costs you only $750.

Marketable Securities

Gifts of stock and other marketable securities are easily transferred to AIMS. You or your broker may transfer the specified number of shares electronically to the AIMS Fund Schwab account.

Gifting an IRA has tax advantages to those who itemize deductions. The U.S. tax code allows donors to make bequests directly from their IRA to AIMS up to $100,000 with no income tax consequences. Securities or cash are easily transferred to the AIMS TD Ameritrade account. For information on other retirement plans and annuities, talk with your financial advisor and an AIMS gift advisor.


Life insurance can provide a significant benefit to AIMS. Donors can contribute a paid-up policy by simply changing the ownership and beneficiary to AIMS. In addition, donors may purchase a policy to benefit AIMS. Under this arrangement, premiums are income tax deductible. The ultimate benefit to AIMS is usually substantially more than the cost. AIMS’ insurance advisor will work with your investment advisor to explore this opportunity. A bequest funded with insurance can be structured so as not to dilute other estate priorities.

Other Assets

Any asset can be donated to a non-profit organization. AIMS advisors work with you or your representative to enable this transaction.

AIMS is a 501(c)(3) organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

AIMS does not use professional solicitors or fund raisers. AIMS’ IRS Form 990 reports are available on written request to the AIMS Administrative Director.

Contributions to the Endowment Fund and sponsors of named scholarships are recognized in the concert programs of the AIMS Music Festival and in our annual Contributors publication. The American Institute of Musical Studies admits students of any sex, race, color, national or ethnic origin to its programs and is non-discriminatory in its hiring of faculty and staff, and in administering its scholarship programs.