Eden Casteel Simmons
I learned more about my voice and myself in six weeks than I had learned in the previous six years. All I regret about AIMS is that I didn’t go sooner. AIMS was much cheaper than a doctorate, and much better ‘real world’ experience. I am a better singer, teacher, and artist because of what I learned at AIMS and I will always be glad that I came to Graz.
Katherine Lauson
AIMS in every way, from the comments of the incredibly supportive staff to singing with the orchestra, is an amazing experience! This program changed my performance level and image of myself – I will never forget it!
John Reynolds
The AIMS program was an amazing experience and I will miss it.
Emma Worthington-Lee
AIMS is a very friendly, positive program in which you can be challenged to your own personal best of performance and language study. Invaluable if you are moving from a student to professional and want to test the waters!
Diana Livingston
Your faculty represents what every arts institution should practice first and foremost, education for all, not just the most talented or privileged. AIMS refreshed my spirit and energized my performer’s inner voice.
Dara Hobbs
A great program! There were many opportunities for lots of skill and experience levels, and when a student did not obtain one opportunity, another usually became available. The people, especially the faculty and staff, were wonderful!
Brianne Keefe
AIMS was one of the most amazing experiences of my life.
Bonnie Lavender
Thank you for such an amazing experience with AIMS. This program has forever changed my life. I have grown so much not only musically, but personally as well.
Blythe Gaissert
AIMS is the kind of environment in which you can’t help but grow, not only musically, but as a person. It’s home!
Adrienne Turner
This was a wonderful opportunity for us to learn and grow. Not only was it fabulous to get to explore the culture and history of a much older world than ours, but we lacked the distractions that would have affected us had this program existed in our home environment. It was perfect!
Gary Hellick
Everyone I had ever known who had gone to AIMS in the past couldn’t stop raving about it, and now I know why. It was my best summer ever!
Jeremy Peterman
I had the chance to work with so many good and serious singers as well as top-notch teachers…that alone was worth it, but I carried away so much from the program that the cost was minuscule compared to what I learned. Contrary to being burnt out by six weeks of intensive music studying, at the end of AIMS I was more eager than ever to go to my university’s music library and check out as many books on Lieder and opera as I could carry. I realized the true quality of the AIMS music instructors when the first book I checked out happened to be edited by not one, but five AIMS instructors.
Jennifer Metheny
The music, the people I met, and the atmosphere were so incredible! My experience with AIMS is something that I will cherish for the rest of my life.
Aidan Soder
I learned SO much and had a fabulous time with all my new friends, colleagues, and contacts. I am very thankful for all of the opportunities to sing that I was given.
Nancy Marriott
AIMS was a wonderful experience of learning, performing, and seeing a dedicated staff in action. I am personally better from being blessed to have had this opportunity. Many thoughts continue to filter down from this unique and outstanding musical studies program.
Marsha Thompson
The AIMS experience is necessary for any opera singer that doesn’t want to just ’fall into’ the European music scene. With dedication and diligence, one can come away with a wealth of knowledge and preparation.
Jo Ella Todd
I am proud to say that I am passing on some of what I learned at AIMS to my students, who consistently win state and regional vocal competitions, secure leads in the opera at UM, and go on to graduate schools and conservatories in the US. Thanks for your inspiration!
Kayla Bailey
I want to thank all of you for being a vital part of my growth into an emerging professional artist. Being a part of AIMS last summer opened my eyes to the professional world of music and helped me understand who I am as an artist and what I needed to accomplish to transition from a student to a professional musician. Thank you SO much for inspiring me to work hard in the practice room; to connect my entire body when I perform; to walk into auditions not expecting anything but to have fun sharing my craft; and to go after career opportunities knowing that they will not come to me. I appreciate it more than words can express!
Alexandra Flood
Acting and audition classes at AIMS had a direct and immediate impact on my career. I completed my first professional audition right after AIMS for the Salzburg Festival young artist program, and got offered a contract on the spot! I don’t think I could have achieved that result before my summer at AIMS. I would encourage any young, ambitious classical or opera singer to participate in AIMS. It certainly changed my life.
Makeda Hampton
During the six-week program at AIMS, I received voice lessons and coachings. I also took my first German class and became attracted to the German language. My affinity for German caused me to take a particular interest in its poetic-song companion, the Lied. It is an aspect within standard solo vocal literature that I admire. Mr. Harold Heiberg, my vocal coach at AIMS, who specialized in Lieder, taught me how to appreciate and utilize the language in song performance. This was my first in-depth experience with song interpretation that illuminated musical collaborations not only between the poet and composer, but also between the singer and pianist. It was an exciting time as a developing musician.
Eldric Bashful
AIMS has given me a true sense of where I need to work from – how I measure up and areas I need to strengthen for a future in classical singing. I learned more about my voice and how to maximize its use in one week at AIMS than I had in three years.
Robert Cardwell
The knowledge and guidance I received from the faculty has changed my perception of my own singing and artistry for the better. I feel as if I can walk out onto a stage, into an audition, and into the world with this new-found confidence. I’m more passionate about my dreams and have a burning desire to see them through.