Fabio Toraldo
French and Italian Diction
Fabio Toraldo was born in 1987 in Taranto (Italy) and studied at the Liceo Classico Statale Archita, parallel to his Ballet studies in Taranto and Florence (Scuola del Balletto di Toscana).
From 2007 to 2019 he developed a career as a ballet dancer and choreographer, also taking part to opera, operetta and musical productions at Leipzig Opera, Theater Krefeld-Mönchengladbach, and Graz Opera.
From 2019 to 2022 he was the prompter at the Graz Opera (Austria) where he was also responsible for teaching Italian and French diction. In 2021 Fabio Toraldo was the diction teacher for the CD-Recording of Nino Rota´s “Il cappello di paglia di Firenze” under the baton of Daniele Squeo with Graz Opera´s Ensemble and Philarmonic Orchestra. In 2022 he was part of the „Language learning with adults“ program at the Centre for Language, Plurilingualism and Didactics of the University of Graz.
From 2022 Fabio Toraldo furthered his career as Assistant Director and Choreographer for opera and dance productions at the Theater Regensburg in Germany. Beginning the the summer of 2023 he will be in the same position at Theater Bremen.